Reducing Waste. Addressing Economic Diversity.

Port Chester, NY has a poverty rate of 14.27%, 2.77% greater than the national average.

Yonkers, NY has a poverty rate of 13.2%, 1.7% greater than the national average.

Mount Vernon, NY has a poverty rate of 13.9%, 2.4% greater than the national average.

Westchester Country is one of the most economically diverse locations in the United States. The country encompasses towns with a median household income greater than $200,000, as well as towns with a higher poverty rate than the U.S. national average of 11.5%. Below are examples of towns that contrast each other.

Rye, NY has a poverty rate of just 1.9% and a median household income of $227,565

Bronxville, NY has a poverty rate of 6.5% and a median household income of $206,850

Scarsdale, NY has a poverty rate of just 1.5% and a median household income of $250,001


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“Has anyone done the research on what organizations accept what kinds of donations?”

— A mother from Rye, NY.

Reuse Westchester is a nonprofit organization that is devoted to lowering the economic diversity of the county by promoting reusing and connecting the communities of Westchester.

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